Various Market/Pricing Ideas
Various Ideas
1. Somewhere(new forum thread maybe?) have an area where people can post prices that they have paid for items so we can create a sorta of pricing guide for rare items? One of the most common questions always being asked in chat is pricing for rare items.
2. Somewhere along the lines of the first suggestion, create a place where people can say that they are selling/buying a item, so its easier to connect buyers with sellers.
3. Player market? Make a area where people can buy little store fronts, sort of like plots but a lot smaller. Right now the only way to find shops is to run through courtyard and try to find them. And telling people how to get to a store is often a hassle also. Just a long strip of player shops would be a lot more straightforward.
I think theĀ  economy is fine with players balancing the price of items and we have no place to decide it. Although I shouldn't be saying that #becauseits2016



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