Natefoster getting out of hand.
Your IGN: Mr_StoneCold
Abuser?s IGN: Natefoster
Abuser?s rank: Warden
What the abuser was doing: So this all started when Killjoy was on his alt account pvping me. He safezoned a few times and once he got to pvp3 I jailed him. He safezoned about 6-7 times the entire time we were pvping and it came to a point where we both in safezone so I called it and jailed. He called abuse and had his friend nate come on to scold me, telling me that I abused. It ended there at first until killjoy got out of jail and pvp'd me again. He got to pvp3 again and I handcuffed him. He called abuse again because after I said pvp2 (third time being the handcuff. I didn't called pvp3 and will take the blame for not verbally saying it.) I jailed him. He then got nate on again to tell me I'm not doing my job correctly. At this point I was getting pissed. Why is it that every time killjoy has a problem he can call his warden friend to back him up? Nate told me I need to be a better guard, I told him he needs to be a better warden. He then said "Are you sure you want to diss me?" At this point, I was done. I didn't want to bother with the BS anymore so I said go ahead and demote me. He demoted me down to Citizen (I was Baron btw). I never see nate doing anything other than helping killjoy or aimlessly flying around. If he does background stuff for the server that I don't know about, then I apologize for telling him he's not doing his job. But when he pulls stuff like this, even if I messed up and didn't call pvp3 before handcuffing, I can't just let it slide without calling him out. Sure, it was disrespect, I'm not denying it. But when no one says anything, then he won't bother to change.

I told him to demote me because I didn't want to be a guard and contribute to a server where someone like Nate can do what they want because they're in power. I like this server, I like the guards, I like Silas/Zeedin. But I'm tired of the stuff that slips by. I know I was in the wrong when I disrespected him. I don't see it that way because respect is earned, and in my opinion, he didn't earn it.
When this happened: (Include date and timezone) 2/7/16 EST
Proof: (insert an image or video here) All the proof is in the chat logs. Multiple witnesses were there.
Additional info:
Natefoster and Link are basically fuck buddies. One of the only reasons Link was given a second chance at guard. Honestly I don't understand why Nate is warden at all, he does jack all accept yes, Fly around or stand up for Link. Natefoster should be demoted, and if Link is going to act that way on an alt he should be as well. Which is my thoughts for all guards who act this way on an alt.

Stonecold should be regiven guard as it is obvious that Link and Nate were purposefully annoying him with telling him how to do his job. Yet if someone tells link or Nate to do their job Nate mutes us for 15 minutes.


It's not a beginning at all. Tonight is an ending.
(Feb 7th, 2016, 02:08 AM)mitsuo_wolfblood link Wrote: Natefoster and Link are basically fuck buddies. One of the only reasons Link was given a second chance at guard. Honestly I don't understand why Nate is warden at all, he does jack all accept yes, Fly around or stand up for Link. Natefoster should be demoted, and if Link is going to act that way on an alt he should be as well. Which is my thoughts for all guards who act this way on an alt.

Stonecold should be regiven guard as it is obvious that Link and Nate were purposefully annoying him with telling him how to do his job. Yet if someone tells link or Nate to do their job Nate mutes us for 15 minutes.
Although Nate is my friend, and link hates my guts, I have to agree with this, Nate just flys around for 10minutes or flys and stays in one spot and says he has to go, the only reason I get on my alt to do work like: Build my plot without being bothered, Buying building supplies in Citizen, or just kidding around, I act the same on my alt as I would on Girlsrock513, I may say one or two curse words, mainly in a /msg, I don't disrespect anyone unless it's extremely needed. To me this is pure favoritism, one player on his alt that isn't staff gets mad at a staff member even when they're in the wrong, the player gets a higher rank staff member that they know irl, and they're good friends, this higher staff rank member then tells the staff member  to do his job, this staff member gets mad saying he is doing his job and clearly sees the favoritism in this situation. They both start telling him to do his job then this staff member gets sick of it and disrespects the higher staff rank, and then the higher staff rank threatens him with a "Are you sure you want to diss me?" the staff member asks for a demotion clearly sick of the bs they pull.
        Also, if Link is actually going on for his word "I only want staff to help the server" then clearly this is a lie. For what I've seen Mr_StoneCold is a great guard, if he had a mistake clearly the wrong turn is to scream at him "ABUSE" and get a higher ranked staff, that you know will do something because they're butt buddies. If you really wanted to help the server you would of said in /msg to Mr_StoneCold "Hey, I am also a Guard, I just wanted to say you should of called pvp 2 and then pvp 3 then jailed me  Just saying, make sure you don't let it happen again." or something similar this clearly shows you would of matured and learned mistakes happen. Mr_StoneCold we should of warned you, link has a list of guards to get demoted, he won't stop until he is the last one.


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So Nate demoted you because you told him to be a better guard?


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Ok, this is total bull crap.  A guard makes 1 mistake and he is demoted? I've seen a guard do worse things and not get demoted.  Nate you are suppose to inspire people to become staff not shoot them down. I agree with Girlsrocks, I believe this is 100% favoritism.  I'm pretty sure almost every time I pvp Link, if he didn't kill me and I called pvp 1-3 he would always say abuse and would report me.  Does natefoster even have the right to demote other staff? 



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I don't think either of you read this line...

Quote:I told him to demote me because I didn't want to be a guard and contribute to a server where someone like Nate can do what they want because they're in power.

He TOLD Nate to demote him because it was obviously easier to be demoted then to have two fuck buddies up his ass. No I don't agree with his demotion he should get it back and Nate should be demoted since he does jack shit. If that's the way link is going to act on an alt he should be demoted as well.


It's not a beginning at all. Tonight is an ending.
Nate should be demoted and Stone cold should get guard back , he asked to be demoted because he didn't want to have to deal with this bullshit between Link and Nate. Nate logs on for maybe 15 minutes , helps some people , then logs on. Link calls his friend or whatever when he wants someone demoted. I was in teamspeak with link yesterday and he said "I feel like getting someone demoted today". I think it's total bullshit that nate has warden still


(Feb 7th, 2016, 05:05 AM)Girlsrock5133 link Wrote: staff member asks for a demotion clearly sick of the bs they pull.


(Feb 7th, 2016, 10:32 AM)mitsuo_wolfblood link Wrote: I don't think either of you read this line...

Quote:I told him to demote me because I didn't want to be a guard and contribute to a server where someone like Nate can do what they want because they're in power.

He TOLD Nate to demote him because it was obviously easier to be demoted then to have two fuck buddies up his ass. No I don't agree with his demotion he should get it back and Nate should be demoted since he does jack shit. If that's the way link is going to act on an alt he should be demoted as well.
Idk if you read my line.


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I just got through with my semester finals. I was on for five hours last night. I helped as many people that asked. Since I have been Warden I have made 9 hardcore parkours and counting. I understand what I did was wrong and I would like to apologize. What StoneCold did wasn't correct but it still wasn't demotable and he should have been given a warning. However silas would like to deal with me and StoneCold is his decision now. I have learned my lesson and I know what I did was wrong. If there is anyway I can make it up I will.  Hopefully this incident won't end me as staff. - Nate
(Feb 7th, 2016, 03:01 PM)DaNate link Wrote: I just got through with my semester finals. I was on for five hours last night. I helped as many people that asked. Since I have been Warden I have made 9 hardcore parkours and counting. I understand what I did was wrong and I would like to apologize. What StoneCold did wasn't correct but it still wasn't demotable and he should have been given a warning. However silas would like to deal with me and StoneCold is his decision now. I have learned my lesson and I know what I did was wrong. If there is anyway I can make it up I will.  Hopefully this incident won't end me as staff. - Nate
if you knew what Stone did wasn't demotable why did you demote him. Was it peer pressure that Link put on you?


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