BrianADJ unjailing friends
Your IGN: StormyBee
Abuser?s IGN: BrianADJ
Abuser?s rank: Sr-Guard
What the abuser was doing: I jailed JellyWagon123 for a sword, he was standing on his plot and I was staring at him, he flashed a bow followed by a sword, then I counted down and jailed when he didn't hand it over. After this happened, BrianADJ got on his guard account right quick, unjailed jellywagon, and logged off, then he continued to argue with me saying that he is sharing screens with jellywagon and that he did not flash a sword.
When this happened: (Include date and timezone) 11:48pm 9/11/15
Proof: (insert an image or video here)
[Image: s39hPaG.png]
[Image: 63OuD9w.png]
[Image: gl6AVo7.png]
[Image: ZwPfaWz.png]
[Image: 1vLGbYR.png]

Additional info: I think it's wrong for a guard that wasn't even there to get off of his alt just to go unjail his friend, also I don't think it's right for him to go against my decision, I clearly saw what I saw and I punished the player for what he did.


[Image: user1-light.png]
Such favoritism.


[Image: wGNJe78.png]
[Image: fde7785abc1392076c4a6dd643840c88.png]
When this happened JellyWagon123 was screen sharing with me and I could see he had his hand, food, blocks, and a bow with no enchants, he had no clue what to through since you called sword and he had a bow with no enchants. After you jailed him I asked what you saw, you told me you saw a enchanted bow in which he didn't have and you didn't actually call for.
So I unjailed him since he wasn't even correctly jailed, If you are not sure what the weapon was don't call please.
If you could please take a look at the third screenshot, I clearly said a bow, followed by a sword.


[Image: user1-light.png]
He is in donor after he got out of jail he wen't and got stuff from his enderchest after he got  out of jail notice how hes in donor and you get out of jail in C.
Silas can read the console, you typed /unjail JellyWagon123 when you got on your guard account which you shouldn't have because you weren't even there. I was in teamspeak with zs471 and the time and zs471 went to C when you got on your guard account right after I jailed JellyWagon and he told me to go to C and said he was running into donator so I warped to donator and took the screenshot.


[Image: user1-light.png]
And Stormy you can't ignore players as guard and I see you had to unignore me to talk to me. I asume it was because zs told you in ts or skype that I was talking to you.
I had you ignored from a long time before I became a guard, zs471 told me in teamspeak that you said something and I didn't see it so I tried /ignore and apparently I had you ignored.


[Image: user1-light.png]

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