Iron Bar Abuse

Your IGN: b_bob58
Hacker?s IGN: chris40107
Hacker?s rank: A
What the hacker was doing: Standing in iron bars shooting people with his bow, zs471 and BrianADJ also did this but I have no proof of them doing it yet.
When this happened: Around 4:15pm EST 3/4/14

Additional info:


[Image: user1-light.png]
That player is not KillForBacon, Kill is Free rank? Stop trying to get people banned just because you don't like them.
This isn't a bannable thing. The only thing involving iron bars that is bannable is if you used the iron bars that are in the wall my the C mine and tree farm to safezone, but as those spots are no longer non-pvp. Basically, this is an annoying thing, but not bannable, just jailable.
Also gonna make this easier for people to see.....

[Image: lkg1ehJ.png]
Not abuse, locked.



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