Ban apeal
Hello my IGN Is Lord63. I want to be unbanned because i love this server and i meet so many new and exiting people. And i really want to be unbanned. I bought many items (Doesnt do anyrhing for ban apeal) and i want to acomplish my goal of haveing Top Donor. Ty (Dad) If i dont get unbanned tell RassBur Im sorry Thank you pedobear pedobear


This unban appeal is in the wrong format you may want to look in to the unban appeal area in the forums to see how to do it the correct way...


[Image: 9aabf691e1dff868f2587373a1555d92.png]
Lord I think Silas is wanting to speak to you so hopefully he'll be in touch soon.
You've been unbanned. Locking post.

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