You can get one the cat walk useing the bounce pads
Because I'm the good player of MCP I have decided to report this bug. With enough dedication you can get one the cat walk with the bonce pads

What is the bug: Bounce pad glitch, Were you can get onto the cat walk

Where is this bug located: Court yards

How can we recreate it: Hard to show you, I can show people is the want.


I did not abuse this bug as you can't open chest/doors

Messages In This Thread
You can get one the cat walk useing the bounce pads - by MasterScare - Mar 11th, 2017, 06:35 AM
Re: You can get one the cat walk useing the bounce pads - by MasterScare - Mar 11th, 2017, 06:53 AM
Re: You can get one the cat walk useing the bounce pads - by MasterScare - Mar 14th, 2017, 09:30 AM

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