Instantaneous Death
What is the bug:
[sub]Upon a casual brawl with MayoBagels I on received 1 heart of damage, but then out of nowhere I died. Mayo claims he was not hacking, and I am willing to take his word for now. I  want to make this publicly known so that others will not lose all there items to what could be server lag.[/sub]
Where is this bug located:
[sub] In Pvp, possibly just server lag.[/sub]
How can we recreate it:
[sub] Have two players engage in combat w/ zeedin equipped.[/sub]


" If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit."-
Dr. Emmett Brown

Messages In This Thread
Instantaneous Death - by serrian_ - Sep 25th, 2016, 07:28 AM

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