Aug 15th, 2016, 10:24 PM
So many points to make here.
What's hidden behind the scenes is that after running away to rearmour, Spibelle (One of Nathan's best friends on the server) followed me and got trapped in a corner, and killed. After this the rest of the group (cwpsteelers on his alt, MoonFragments, Mentally_Insane, and some others not worth mentioning) couldn't find me. I ran back to where I last saw them and they started calling me out for running and hiding
In which the ever so nice Kunvoi (or Kunboi) decided to remind them on the rules about Staff Disrespect.
He continued on like this for quite a while and that brings us to the next riot. This is where you can see me and Odd (we were talking in TeamSpeak) both attacking Mentally_Insane. Nathan's main issue with this is that I didn't call for Odd's sword after jailing him when he safe zoned. As you can see in the first picture I continued fighting Odd and died to him, and as far as I'm aware he did not safezone at all, making it abuse to actually call for his sword in the first place.
Overall, I believe that this was just a bit of Mentally_Insane trying to be the knight in shining armour for SPIbelle9 after she was killed.
I'd also like to bring up the point that cwpsteelers (his alt is MyDadIsHarambe fpr those who don't know) thought running away as a guard was against the rules. This is very concerning as it's actually a very big part of staying alive as a guard and it's how we are meant to rearmour. He freaked out when I cornered Mentally_Insane and thought that teaming was also against the rules and freaked out in chat when I jailed Mental before returning to Odd to fight (note this screenshot was taken when I scrolled up through chat after dying to Oddordyr)
What's hidden behind the scenes is that after running away to rearmour, Spibelle (One of Nathan's best friends on the server) followed me and got trapped in a corner, and killed. After this the rest of the group (cwpsteelers on his alt, MoonFragments, Mentally_Insane, and some others not worth mentioning) couldn't find me. I ran back to where I last saw them and they started calling me out for running and hiding
In which the ever so nice Kunvoi (or Kunboi) decided to remind them on the rules about Staff Disrespect.
He continued on like this for quite a while and that brings us to the next riot. This is where you can see me and Odd (we were talking in TeamSpeak) both attacking Mentally_Insane. Nathan's main issue with this is that I didn't call for Odd's sword after jailing him when he safe zoned. As you can see in the first picture I continued fighting Odd and died to him, and as far as I'm aware he did not safezone at all, making it abuse to actually call for his sword in the first place.
Overall, I believe that this was just a bit of Mentally_Insane trying to be the knight in shining armour for SPIbelle9 after she was killed.
I'd also like to bring up the point that cwpsteelers (his alt is MyDadIsHarambe fpr those who don't know) thought running away as a guard was against the rules. This is very concerning as it's actually a very big part of staying alive as a guard and it's how we are meant to rearmour. He freaked out when I cornered Mentally_Insane and thought that teaming was also against the rules and freaked out in chat when I jailed Mental before returning to Odd to fight (note this screenshot was taken when I scrolled up through chat after dying to Oddordyr)
Kill me