Mit banning me for "abusing item effects"
IGN: Oddordyr

Who banned you? Mitsuo_Wolfblood

When were you banned? (Time/Date) 4:20 PM EST 7/6/2016

Why were you banned? "abusing item effects"

Are you at fault? I guess so?

What was your rank on MCP? Baron

Why should we unban you? Mit unjustly banned 4 people including me for something that hasn't been stated anywhere in the rules about being banned. We jardered mit FROM A PVP ZONE farther into courtyard and then we tased him and started Silas Sything him. Mind you this has been reported before and Silas himself saw it yet did nothing about it. Either it's not an issue or it must be allowed as no punishment was given to the people that killed Hazard in a safezone. If Mit had a problem with it, he should've reported it as a bug and waited for Silas to reply and or do something about it. I feel like this is Mit just using his powers to take away any annoyances towards him and not the entire server.

Additional info: Mit didn't even tell us to stop withering him. He told MoonFragments to stop tasing him and that was it.
[Image: se8gHQj.png]


Oldest lasting player that isn't a staff member currently

Messages In This Thread
Mit banning me for "abusing item effects" - by SnipedYall - Jul 6th, 2016, 01:30 PM

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