Jun 30th, 2016, 01:35 AM
In TS there is rules right at the top called "Server Rules", in the description it says:
•Laptop microphones must be on Push To Talk
•If you are not on this server leave
•Do not spam other server IPs
•No vulgar language in name
•Do not spam other users on the server or chat rooms
•Keep vulgar language to a minimum (14A)
•Keep fandom chat and related items off this server
•No vulgar language In Disconnect Messaging
•Use your IGN name as your name on the server
•Your name must contain normal characters
•No text characters, emoji or icon name
•No singing (Thats you cody)
•No voice changers
•No VPNs/Proxies
•Laptop microphones must be on Push To Talk
•If you are not on this server leave
•Do not spam other server IPs
•No vulgar language in name
•Do not spam other users on the server or chat rooms
•Keep vulgar language to a minimum (14A)
•Keep fandom chat and related items off this server
•No vulgar language In Disconnect Messaging
•Use your IGN name as your name on the server
•Your name must contain normal characters
•No text characters, emoji or icon name
•No singing (Thats you cody)
•No voice changers
•No VPNs/Proxies