Mitsuo_Wolfblood Abuse
Your IGN: Mattforever
Abuser?s IGN: Mitsuo_Wolfblood
Abuser?s rank: Mod
What the abuser was doing: Banned me for stealing items...
When this happened: 6 PM EST
Additional info: He tempbanned me because I stole his EXP bottles like really this kid needs to be demoted he is abusive

Messages In This Thread
Mitsuo_Wolfblood Abuse - by Mattforever - Jun 27th, 2016, 03:13 PM
Re: Mitsuo_Wolfblood Abuse - by mitsuo_wolfblood - Jun 27th, 2016, 03:18 PM
Re: Mitsuo_Wolfblood Abuse - by LaughNgamez - Jun 27th, 2016, 03:25 PM

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