Guards being able to constantly repair armour
What is the bug: i dont know if this is a bug or not some people say your supposed to beable to do it and some dont , some also say guards are allowed to repair there armour constantly some guards say they arnt. And the reason im making this is because i was just fighting Nintendo for 40mins and TG is still going after i made this and we got nowhere he wasnt hurt and neither was we , if guards can do this when armour isn't totally broken then there is no point in rioting if we cant even kill them now when they use it.

Where is this bug located: N/A

How can we recreate it: either let them repair there armour once and have a 30min cooldown so its not super op and so they cant use it every fight , so that its like a ability that they get so if they are getting like 4v1 they can repair it in a situation like that. or just not let them do it in combat at all. as i said i still dont actually know if its a bug or if they are even allowed to use it since ive been told differently by many people.

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Guards being able to constantly repair armour - by Jereh - Apr 4th, 2016, 02:35 PM

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