MikeTheos23 scam
Your IGN: Agent_Dash
Offender's? IGN: MikeTheos23
Offender's? rank: Citizen
What the hacker was doing: Scamming me
What server this was on: MCP
When this happened: (Include date and timezone) 12:25 US Mountain time 01/04/2016
Proof: (insert an image or video here, MAKE SURE TO EMBED THE IMAGE IN THE PAGE OR NOTHING WILL BE DONE.)
[Image: 10ehulk.png]
[Image: 2i7lzo.png]
Additional info: MikeTheos23 said if I let him into my plot he would buy me a custom Prefix. I told him to not take anything and he said OK. After I added him he took all my diamonds and left the game. I still have no custom prefix and I had to delete him from my plots.


Me: So Link showed me an old forum post where you say you wouldn't mind selling the server and he want's to buy it from you XD

Silas: I would never sell the server to a little shit fuck like him

Don't worry, "bout a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright - Bob Marley

Messages In This Thread
MikeTheos23 scam - by Agent_Dash - Jan 4th, 2016, 12:47 AM

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