Luckypickle04 Ban Appeal
IGN: Luckypickle04

Who banned you? Alaword

When were you banned? 9:19:57 am on December 6th 2015

Why were you banned? Kill aura

Are you at fault? Yes

What was your rank on MCP? I think C. I had just started.

Why should we unban you? I should be unbanned because it wasn't my brightest moment. I was dumb and was trying to use hacks but I promise I will never use again. I believe everyone deserves a second chance and I will be more mature and play fair. I hope you can unban me.

Additional info: I am very sorry..

Messages In This Thread
Luckypickle04 Ban Appeal - by luckypickle04 - Dec 7th, 2015, 09:14 PM
Re: Luckypickle04 Ban Appeal - by LaughNgamez - Dec 7th, 2015, 09:36 PM

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