er3853 <-reported
I've never called a sword in a non-pvp zone, and it could've just been that we were both standing on the edge of the pvp-zone, i specifically remember that that happened once, i don't remember who it was, but i do recall calling for a sword while possibly on the edge of pvp zone, i learned my lesson from last time i was guard? and the reason i said ur too bad for MCP, is because u said I'm bad a being guard and bad at pvp? i may not be the best guard, but none of the other guards seem to have a problem with me? and i may not be the best at pvp, but Im pretty good? and the only time anything comes up is when ur guarding with me? u seem to have something personal against me, and i really don't get why, i never did anything bad to you (to my knowledge), and you are also constantly dissing me and arguing with me, and once again No Other Guard Seems To Have A Problem With Me, except u? please stop arguing with me, and just do ur own job?


Messages In This Thread
er3853 <-reported - by Sparty - Feb 13th, 2014, 05:30 PM
Re: er3853 <-reported - by ShadowHunterDaPro - Feb 13th, 2014, 05:35 PM
Re: er3853 <-reported - by GeoDope - Feb 13th, 2014, 05:37 PM
Re: er3853 <-reported - by ShadowHunterDaPro - Feb 13th, 2014, 05:49 PM
Re: er3853 <-reported - by Sparty - Feb 13th, 2014, 05:59 PM
Re: er3853 <-reported - by ShadowHunterDaPro - Feb 13th, 2014, 07:23 PM
Re: er3853 <-reported - by astralaether9 - Feb 13th, 2014, 09:09 PM
Re: er3853 <-reported - by ShadowHunterDaPro - Feb 13th, 2014, 09:19 PM
Re: er3853 <-reported - by Sparty - Feb 14th, 2014, 01:52 PM
Re: er3853 <-reported - by astralaether9 - Feb 14th, 2014, 02:20 PM
Re: er3853 <-reported - by ShadowHunterDaPro - Feb 14th, 2014, 09:39 PM
Re: er3853 <-reported - by Sparty - Feb 14th, 2014, 10:39 PM
Re: er3853 <-reported - by summonhalo - Feb 14th, 2014, 10:46 PM
Re: er3853 <-reported - by Sparty - Feb 14th, 2014, 10:48 PM
Re: er3853 <-reported - by ShadowHunterDaPro - Feb 15th, 2014, 10:12 AM
Re: er3853 <-reported - by astralaether9 - Feb 15th, 2014, 10:39 AM

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