Mega Plot Basement Extensions
What is the bug: Mega Plot Basement Expansions - I dug down one complete basement level and fell through the prison world to the flat world underneath. This could also be used as an exploit for slime as there is heaps of slime down there.
Where is this bug located: Mega Plot World
How can we recreate it: Go to my mega's basement and dig through the final layers of the first mega basement expansion.

[Image: e5486d6d58fc4fe57042cb0939fb97b5.png]

[Image: c02b12139fadff72cc34ac5b1793293e.png]

Messages In This Thread
Mega Plot Basement Extensions - by Cpt_PandaPantz - Dec 2nd, 2018, 01:56 AM
Re: Mega Plot Basement Extensions - by Maelonic - Dec 2nd, 2018, 04:34 PM

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