SkrtingsBestUS/Trilogyz/Redeveloping Ban Appeal
IGN: SkrtingsBestUS (Trilogyz is my brother's account, and Redeveloping is my alt/youngest brother's account.)
Who banned you? Multiple people
When were you banned? (Time/Date) Different dates for different accounts.
Why were you banned? Staff Disrespect for Skrtings, Ban Evasion for Trilogyz. (Redev isn't banned)
Are you at fault? Yes, definitely.
What was your rank on MCP? Citizen and Free I believe. (Shows how long ago I got banned.)
Why should we unban you? I've been playing MCP since v2 and I have always loved it ever since I started playing it. I met several friends along the way that helped me when I first joined and I've always been close to this server. I've realized what I've done in my past was wrong and highly uncalled for and I apologize to Dragon specifically for what I have said to him and I'm truly sorry. It's been around 3 months since I've gotten banned and I really would like to come back and prove to everyone that I have truly changed. I have loved this server since the day I started playing it back around late 2012. I wish to come back, and apologize for everything and let my past be forgotten. And I can definitely assure you that none of this will EVER happen again.
Additional info: It's been 3 months since I've been, and I'm very disappointed in myself for the way I have acted in the past. I apologize to my fellow players, who I have ever done wrong to, and that I have disrespected, in any way, shape or form. I hope my past can be forgotten, and I can resume playing as normal. People have had more chances than I have in my past, and I still come back, every single time. I am sincerely sorry, and apologize for my actions, and I wish to come back to MCP with a clean slate. Take all the time you need to think about this, I appreciate it dearly.

Kind Regards,


† DarkAngels Gang †

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SkrtingsBestUS/Trilogyz/Redeveloping Ban Appeal - by ttthorne - Sep 28th, 2017, 07:51 AM

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