Jul 27th, 2017, 09:09 PM
There is no bug. 2012? We're in 2017, you expect everyone to believe Mojang has an unfixed bug damage equivalent to a cheat from a Hacked Client for 5 years straight and hasn't fixed it? The "bug" is an excuse to take blame off yourself. You DID break the rules. You DID use a Hacked Client. Now you're trying to low key deceive the Staff and take blame off your self when EVERYONE, including you, knows you did it. @Maelonic I'm not trying to be rude, or tell you how to do your job, or ANYTHING like that, but Hacked Client, Lying about using the Client while it's clear this person did, and not providing sufficient evidence? Again, not trying to tell you how to do your job, but you could EASILY perm ban for this and permanently solve the problem