Donator Pack
Is your idea logical? Yes
Could it be done easily? Yes
Has something like it been done before? In other games, possibly other servers.
Has this idea been suggested before? I do not believe so

I believe that a donator pack that would give crates over time for a cheaper price in the long run, would be very beneficial to the server. For example crates go for $20 for 50 crates if I am not mistaken, you could make something that costs $20 for 70 crates over time (10 crates a week or so). Now this may seem unnecessary at first glance but I believe it would be helpful as it would make players return every week to get their crates. The crates shouldn't be received when offline forcing players to return to the server more frequently. Also the "deal" would make people donate more as they feel they are saving money, this idea works for all "deals" in stores and other places. (The numbers presented were only examples and can be changed if implemented).

-Thank you

70 crates is a bit much, but yeah this is definitely a decent idea


//[Image: KSuhqwo.png]
This would be messy, have the potential for many bugs, and hurt the economy by reducing crate value.



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