Golden tools are disabled?
What is the bug: Whenever i try to craft a golden tool, i think hoes should be disabled but i'm not sure, it will say "You can't craft this item" when i try to craft a hoe, pickaxe, or axe. However it allows me to craft axes and pickaxes.
Where is this bug located:  In a crafting table.
How can we recreate it: Just try to craft golden tools!

(My game isn't creating screenshots for whatever reason, so you will just have to try it for yourself.)
Golden hoes are disabled hence the message, the reason you also get the cannot craft message when crafting other items is due to the item placement order (your trying to craft a hoe before putting the last gold in for the axe/pickaxe).
Reminded me of this.
[Image: 580.jpg]


[Image: wGNJe78.png]
[Image: fde7785abc1392076c4a6dd643840c88.png]

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