Prefixes and Nicknames Gone
What is the bug: When you log in, your rank won't show next to your name, and your name won't be a /nick, if you have one.

Where is this bug located: Chat.

How can we recreate it: Not sure. Plugin stuff that I have no perms to use.

[Image: ZOXpl]
I followed the embedding tutorial and it still didn't work. Dammit. Here's the link:
[Image: ZgZboi4.png]

There you go bagel
thx ravin bb
All signs are broken as well, like warp signs, and shop signs.
Yeah, its been reported. Looks like essentials is having a wobbler. You can still use the standard warps like /café /shop etc.. and sell at the sell all signs (just be careful you don't sell your crates/custom items).
Fixed thanks



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