I don't know if this is a bug but something happened
What is the bug: I somehow fell down a hole in the plots area (Not cy, past through the tunnel plots)
Where is this bug located: Plots area
How can we recreate it: Um, not sure if it can be recreated but i lost all of my stuff from it and didn't know where else to put this

Additional Info: When i went to go find the hole, i was unable to find it, i went the exact way i went the first and even went all over the plots area to look for the hole and could not find it. I don't know if this was a bug or someone in /v playing a trick on me Sad but i was unable to find the hole and i lost my stuff.
Found out what happened, not a bug, i found the hole and i don't think it should be there, it is very unnoticeable
location of this would help, in order to fix it.
its been fixed miner
lol ok thanks. Locking post.

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