Drageheren`s ban appeal
Who banned you?i don't know
When were you banned? (Time/Date)i don't know wasn't online
Why were you banned? reach hacking
Are you at fault? No
What was your rank on MCP?citzen
Why should we unban you? Because i love to play on mcp, and i just got unbanned for doing a glitch, so why would i go and hack? That video does not have enough evidence to a ban, if this is a serious server i wouldt get banned. I know everything about hacks. I have been admin on 2 factions server, reach isn't a pvp hack, But i know what you mean with reach, reach is a kill aura perk. Jerenh say that he was faaaaar around that corner, but you don't even see that on the video. Its one point on the video, but i critted jerenh and dubbed hitted him, i am jitter clicking(search on youtube if you don't now what that is) so you can get up to 23 cps but i have a average on 16.3 clicks when i pvp.
Additional info: I want someone that dosent hate me to accept or denied this appeal ( nothingClassy) (silas) (zeedin) rest of the guard don't like me. I can screenshare my files, anywhere, anyday. Il go thru every singel folder, i can do it and upload it on youtube. pedobear


just a kid that enjoy to write 1000 ban appeals for no reason Smile
Info about your ban http://cdgs.net/MCBans/index.php?action=...n&server=0

Also do you have any screenshots of MCP around this date 09/02/16 if so please post them unedited, that way we can confirm you don't have hacks.


-James Cameron
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Born too late to explore the earth, born too soon to explore the galaxy. Born just in time to гคเรє ๓ץ ๔๏ภﻮєг ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
actualy i might have some screenshots, but i am not sure, il check.


just a kid that enjoy to write 1000 ban appeals for no reason Smile
No i didn't take any screenshots, that date :/ but i can like record in F3 while i am pvping until i get hackusate. Mcp is the only server i play on atm, il o anything to proof that i don't use hacks


just a kid that enjoy to write 1000 ban appeals for no reason Smile
It dose not need to be on that date just around it say no later then a week before. Also doing it now is pointless because you could just remove the mods/hacks and then do it.


-James Cameron
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Born too late to explore the earth, born too soon to explore the galaxy. Born just in time to гคเรє ๓ץ ๔๏ภﻮєг ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
i need to look can't find any of my screenshots atm but i can't prob find one 1 day earlier or 2


just a kid that enjoy to write 1000 ban appeals for no reason Smile
If i could get a chance, il remember to take screenshots next time i get hackusate Smile i just want to enjoy my weekend with MCP before school again :/


just a kid that enjoy to write 1000 ban appeals for no reason Smile
may someone denied ? or accept this appeal please, just want to now.


just a kid that enjoy to write 1000 ban appeals for no reason Smile


[Image: 4d717fc0b4cfe6b111211563167db00f.png]
you haven't even read my appeal, i said nothing classy/zeedin/silas because they won't denied me because they DONT LIKE ME.
I know that you denied me because you hate me.


just a kid that enjoy to write 1000 ban appeals for no reason Smile

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