DeathTrap1255's Ban
IGN: DeathTrap1255
Who banned you? natefoster
When were you banned? (Time/Date) 11:00 am 1/16/16
Why were you banned? I Told A B Rank To Do /suicide
Are you at fault? No
What was your rank on MCP? Free
Why should we unban you? Because It's Not My Fault That C Ranks Jumped Off Willingly Because /suicide Doesn't Make You Jump Off So They Jumped By Themselves.
Additional info: Please If You Don't Want Me To Be On The Server Anymore, I Understand But Please Let Me Do a Drop Party Of Everything I Have So My Stuff Doesn't Just Sit In Chest Keeper.
if a bunch of new people are on and you say to a new person do /suicide then say you're not at fault when they do it you're not going to get unbanned. If you make a good appeal nate might unban you. Also if you're citizen and below it just kills you it doesn't tp you to the building.


Look at me I'm 6 years old
I Was Un-banned
Tip: Stop making every work capitalized. Dang it burns my eyes and so hard to read ;-;


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