NintendoTurtle Report
Your IGN: SirCharlesVII (Charlie_Hotrum)
Abuser?s IGN: NintendoTurtle
Abuser?s rank: Head-Guard
What the abuser was doing: He was being really immature and refusing to look up rules.
When this happened: (Include date and timezone) 1/13/2016 4:00PM PST
Additional info:  This started when He saw me with my sword out, He asked for it, as he was asking another user walked up and started to hit him. During this time I ran and hid in another room, He did not see me. After he called his second pvp warning on this guy, he then started to count for my sword, though I already ran away to a plot in courtyard (He called for sword at the bank.) I have no proof of this but he will admit that this is what happened. I then asked him to ask Silas becuase I knew that if another user hit him and I ran away he could not call it. He refused and then started to mock me with his friend.
Even if you run a guard can call for your contraband.


It's not a beginning at all. Tonight is an ending.
(Jan 14th, 2016, 09:25 PM)Charlie_Hotrum link Wrote: I then asked him to ask Silas becuase I knew that if another user hit him and I ran away he could not call it.

Nintendo has been playing for way longer than you. If you claim to know the rules, read them again because you're dead wrong. Also, lets say you're a cop. You pull a man over, there is a passenger in the vehicle. They both are carrying a lot of illegal drugs on them. You get the drugs from one guy, but as you get them from one, the other runs. You contain the first one, then you go after the other guy. You wouldn't just let him go away with all those drugs.


[Image: eL04gJk.png]
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I didn't mock you with my "friend" and I know the rules, you kept telling to ask silas because you said i did it wrong, i didn't need a clarification from silas because i know the rules, if you want to know if i did it wrong or not, you can ask silas yourself, you don't need to tell me what to do + i tempmuted because you were being very disrespectful to me and saying i won't do somethin wrong in a business irl or something like that idk what you were saying
(Jan 15th, 2016, 02:26 PM)mudturtle link Wrote: I didn't mock you with my "friend" and I know the rules, you kept telling to ask silas because you said i did it wrong, i didn't need a clarification from silas because i know the rules, if you want to know if i did it wrong or not, you can ask silas yourself, you don't need to tell me what to do + i tempmuted because you were being very disrespectful to me and saying i won't do somethin wrong in a business irl or something like that idk what you were saying
Im sorry you took it that way, I just tried to put It in perspective for you, never said anything that should have offended you.
Nintendo and I have had our differences but I am a man of my word, I don't lie. If a person with mod permissions tells you to drop it and you don't you're going to get muted/banned because the mod rules are COMMON SENCE anyway nothing to see here.


Look at me I'm 6 years old
(Jan 16th, 2016, 09:20 AM)KillJoy6753 link Wrote: COMMON SENCE

" Common Sence "  FeelsBadMan.jpeg Good Jub Lunk  Kappa Kappa


[Image: eL04gJk.png]
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