A2thejaygaming's Ban Appeal

IGN: A2thejaygaming
Who banned you? Silas_Bowen
When were you banned? (Time/Date) March 30th , 2015.
Why were you banned? I got banned for DDosing xXlink2003Xx's Server.
Are you at fault? Yes.
What was your rank on MCP? Citizen
Why should we unban you? DDosing another player's server shouldn't have to do anything with MCP. I never once tried to DDoS MCP , as it is the only server I mainly play on. Link claims I DDosed him but it actually wasn't me , it was another player on MCP . Plus , I did it because Link was Copying Mcp and said " Once my server is done , It will be better than MCP". Zeedin DDoSed another server for the same reason.
Additional info: None.


+1 that is true. Me, BrianADJ, and baileysara were in a call with him when he ddos link's server. but he never ddos link. I also dont see why he would ddos mcp either for the same reason, also accounting hes donated alot of money to it. I wasnt there, but everyone does tell me that zeedin did ddos some server called cookiecraft because they were copying MCP's map.


snoopdawg is bae
A2thejaygaming is an active player and has donated to the server a lot he would never try to ddos Mcp. he should not be banned for something that does not affect Mcp, and link talks about how his server will be better than Mcp and copy's things off of Mcp, and im pretty sure silas or Zeedin ddosed another server for copying Mcp. So +1 would unban
A2 no disrespects but, I did say the my server will be better than MCP shit because at the time I thought Silas was selling the server, plus I will not be butthurt. Generally nice person. +1 unban a2, #DON'TTAKEAWAYHISSPRINGBREAK


Ty Link <3 zerglin zerglinĀ  riPepperonis



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