Godt9 making false calls
Your IGN: craftincreeper
Abuser's IGN: Godt9
Abuser's rank: C-Guard
What the abuser was doing: making false calls for a bow
When this happened: About a week ago (week ago)
Proof: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2febtqE0hAU[/youtube]
Additional info: None


Kill me
If he can tell the arrows are coming from you then it's a valid call.


(Feb 6th, 2015, 09:41 PM)LaughNgamez link Wrote:If he can tell the arrows are coming from you then it's a valid call.

this was before you added this rule and also he said he saw my bow twice in which he didn't see my bow once


Kill me
this isnt abuse Smile


where did Warden astral go

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