Jul 12th, 2014, 10:42 PM
I was just parkouring in the C block and BrianADJ was messing around randomly hitting me with his fist at times. Well he walked up to me and hit me in front of NijaCreeper and Nija ran and started attacking me even thou I never even PVP'd. Like 5 minutes later I hit nija creeper off the parkour with my flame sword when his back was to me (and I know for a FACT he was not in F5) and he proceeded to call pvp 2 on me and then call for my sword. HE DID NOT SEE MY SWORD. He knew I had one because of the flame. But thats the only way. When I confronted him he said "Life's not fair."
public final class MCPFix extends JavaPlugin{
public void onEnable(){
public void onDisable(){}