Removal of Free Protected Furnace Rooms (+ incentive for buying cells)
There isn't enough of an incentive to buy a cell early on, or at all.
Especially since you can use furnaces in protected, private rooms, where no one can steal your stuff, for free.
That kind of protection should be a paid commodity.

Dedicate this thread to discussing ways to make cells something that are more worth buying, rather than just a roleplay element.
+1 im in support of this, except for in donor, it should stay in donor.


Not a big fan of this idea. Mainly for the fact that there is a purpose to buy cells early on. Once players that do tend to stick around once they realize how much plots are they buy cells to store their items. Having the protected cells also keeps players from complaining about others stealing their items.

Yeah this would be a good suggestion however I'm sure there are better ways to get players to buy out the cells.


It's not a beginning at all. Tonight is an ending.
you can always use enderchest.
there isn't enough starter commodities to warrant buying a cell
(Jan 12th, 2018, 10:12 PM)Frostcage link Wrote: you can always use enderchest.
there isn't enough starter commodities to warrant buying a cell

Not always true. Yes the ender chest can be used early on exclusively for your items, however how long can someone live off of such a small chest space? Yes there are also chest keepers however they take money to both buy and upgrade them.

A cell however gives you plenty more space, if I remember right a cell is 3k for three days. Versus having to save up the money to buy a plot unless you find one dirt cheap. The newer players have a lot of different routes to store their items but removing the free furnace area isn't a good idea just to increase the cell usage.


It's not a beginning at all. Tonight is an ending.
Not a bad idea, we'll have to look into cell counts though.


Maybe it may be a good idea to lower down the cell prise. I would also like to say back around a year ago when I was a C blocker and so on, The first thing I wanted to do was buy a cell and I did, I feel like many C blockers today feel like that as well, +1


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