Plot Contest Entries
My suggestion is for whoever is judging all future plot contests to make sure that each entry is an original build, built by the contestant. Why do this? Because anybody can watch a tutorial and place blocks in a given pattern and that takes away from the whole point of a plot contest.

Here is an example of an unoriginal build that I found earlier today. This player (YoungLilSandwich) has probably done this in past competitions as he has won a few of them. I am no expert, but these 2 builds look awfully similar.

[Image: bY59jCB.png]
[Image: rDD8i7S.jpg]


[Image: user1-light.png]
This would be almost impossible to police. As for youngs plot this was built way before any plot contest was even announced and I guess he has decided to enter it. I'm sure 90% of people entering competitions will use google for some inspiration whether they copy block for block or slightly adapt it to their requirements. I doubt there are many original builds that can be done on the limited size of plots available.

For the plot contests aren't these to get players more involved with the server and give them something extra to do and with a chance to win something? Its not like we use any of those entries for anything. Also even if someone does choose something that's already been done, what is to say that is to geo's liking? All this being said, I'm sure geo makes informed decisions which entries deserve top places.
Well it's not very difficult considering I randomly found his house and googled "minecraft modern house" because it looked a lot like some sort of modern house. Hard to be original? All of those builds that tutorials for them were designed by someone meaning it was somebody's original. It's not that difficult to come up with something to fit in the space you have to work with in my opinion.


[Image: user1-light.png]

[Image: ls6HBMW.png]
[Image: PuvHZTj.jpg]


[Image: user1-light.png]


Oldest lasting player that isn't a staff member currently
You won't find my house on the web i built it extension by extension.


[Image: 9aabf691e1dff868f2587373a1555d92.png]
You'd best hope not


[Image: user1-light.png]

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