Newbie Kit Sign
1. Is your idea logical?

2. Could it be done easily?
I believe so.

3. Has something like it been done before?
I don't think so.

4. Has this idea been suggested before?
I don't believe so.

When you've just started MCP, you feel like you're making a lot of progress, and your PVP timer expires and someone immediately kills you, it can be extremely disheartening. You start with a fair bit of stuff and before you make it to B, I've noticed that a lot of people haven't learned to use the bank or learned where the pvp zones start and end. So when you lose everything, the temptation to just leave instead of going through the process of replacing your items can be big. After all, they haven't had a chance to learn how great MCP really is yet.

To correct this, my suggestion is to set up a sign at C spawn that gives you the very basics. The newbie set of armor, the starter tools, and some food. This can't be used by people Free rank or above, and it'll be on a timer. Nobody buys the tools and armor you start with, so it doesn't add money to the economy. This will give new players who have died early a chance to immediately jump back in and start mining again, and skip the lengthy task of trying to re-acquire the things they lost.

I realize the C-block store sells a pick and axe, but I feel like it would be more beneficial to provide the basic kit, because it feels like you're receiving something substantial instead of spending your very limited funds because some Free rank is killing newbies. To buy both, it would be $400, which is 40% of your starting money and feels like a lot when you've just started. Especially if you lost the items you were going to sell when you died. 

Thank you for your consideration.
currently we have no intention of making the Prison game play easier.



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