IGN: __arcanine_
Who banned you? AldronAran
When were you banned? (Time/Date) 10:17 7/1/2016
Why were you banned?You get no more warnings for what you are doing
Are you at fault? No
What was your rank on MCP? Free
Why should we unban you?You should unban me because I did nothing wrong and its for 2 days!
Additional info: PLZ have mercy
(Jul 1st, 2016, 09:28 PM)__arcanine_ link Wrote: IGN: __arcanine_
Who banned you? AldronAran
When were you banned? (Time/Date) 10:17 7/1/2016
Why were you banned?You get no more warnings for what you are doing
Are you at fault? No
What was your rank on MCP? Free
Why should we unban you?You should unban me because I did nothing wrong and its for 2 days!
Additional info: PLZ have mercy
This appeal has 0 effort put in emotRIP nope.jpeg snoopdawg snoopdawg


[Image: 7q259kc.png?1]
  Arcanine, I would like to review exactly how many times I have dealt a punishment to you in result of spamming. 3 times I have muted you for 5, then 15, then 30 minutes. 3 times I have temporarily banned you for 1 day or less. Twice I have temporarily banned you for 3 days, albeit the second time I tried for 5, but my tempban command is restricted to 3. Now, given all of this, you were supposed to be permanently banned a long time ago. After the second tempban dealt, I consulted Silas about our constant encounters. He recommended that I ban you then. However, I feel like somehow its isn't really justified for you, as you seem to genuinely not understand what it is that I am asking you to do every time I've punished you. Before the first 3 day ban, I gave you ample warning of what exactly you had done to trigger a chat offense. The 3 day tempbans were given without warning, because you have been given far too many explanations as to their reason.

  This all being said, I will explain again what it is that you do to receive these punishments, because every time you are dealt these consequences, it is for the exact same reason, every time. You have  a habit of repeating lines of text, though not intentionally for the sake of spam, but for attention to the question/statement you have made. Usually this is permissible, though most seem to fail to understand to what extent it is permissible, however you repeat these lines 1-2 seconds after initially typing them. This in no way even allows for time to respond to questions or comments. Because of this I warned you numerous times before any punishment was dealt that it needed to stop as it clogged chat with useless repeated text. Also, as of recent, you have begun to add extra punctuation to these lines in what I assumed was an attempt to make them not "spam" or not repeats.

  If this all seems new to you, I apologize for apparently not explaining them enough times, or not extensively enough. If you still feel as if you were not warned enough or not adequately given understanding to the nature of your punishments, then I would like to know for future dealings with you. In addition, if you can read all of this and acknowledge your understanding of what is written, I will unban you now that I feel you have been given absolute understanding. I will begin to deal warnings/chat offenses if I see them continue, but I will resort to swift punishment, WITHOUT WARNING, again if you still are unable to modify your habits.

  Please let me know what could be further explained or reexplained in a simpler manner.

  Thank you for your concern,

Aldron Aran


-Wisdom is a rare treasure and should be given sparingly, for the true prize is knowledge, gained by one's own experience.-

[Image: 5082afb33a3358569e1763040f96bff5.png]
I understand now and I will not spam anymore thx for explaining it
You have been unbanned. Thank you for your understanding.


-Wisdom is a rare treasure and should be given sparingly, for the true prize is knowledge, gained by one's own experience.-

[Image: 5082afb33a3358569e1763040f96bff5.png]

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