JellyCatMan swearing in chat
Your IGN: VenomHawk
Offender's? IGN: JellyCatMan
Offender's? rank: Citizen
What the hacker was doing: Swearing in chat over excessive.
What server this was on: MPC
When this happened: 27/02/2016 @ 15:40 GMT
Proof:  [Image: 7cc572e4e21b9c48a4368e18070ffb34.png] - [Image: 09a107f9c4fd484541c10948cb2bd148.png] - [Image: fb0cf9f3581b5d67b8a83b2a3b681648.png] - [Image: 0ce1185f9d6ed8aa05d660f8fccfce58]
Additional info: N/A
He has been banned for 2 days and next time in will be perma



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