MikeTheos23 Scamming
Your IGN: Mr_StoneCold
Offender's? IGN: MikeTheos23
Offender's? rank: Citizen
What the hacker was doing: He wanted to buy a disc launcher with discs and I told him 150k. He came to my plot and picked up the discs already on the floor. When I asked him to pay me he said he was going to chest those first to make room. He left and came back for the rest of the items. When I asked him to pay me the money he said discs first. I then reiterated our deal and he said "NO" "ripoff". I kindly asked him to return my discs and he said no because he put them in the disposal.
What server this was on: MCP
When this happened: (Include date and timezone) 1/20/2016 around 11:30 PM Eastern Time
[Image: y7fBZPy.jpg] [Image: ryDZfAK.jpg] i[Image: 2buxKQU.jpg]
Additional info:
By the looks of it, you already had discs lying on the ground before he arrived, so if he was any other player they could of just picked it all up, not considered scam, considered stupidity.


LSI: http://forums.cdgs.net/index.php/topic,3689.0.html
[Image: eL04gJk.png]
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The discs were on the ground because we agreed on the trade.

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