Have community polls on the website to make the production of MCP more like a lose democracy rather than a strict dictatorship.
Right now Silas just kind of chugs away at the change log doing what he can when he can, which is cool, but it would be cooler if the community had a say on what is worked on or added.
The polls could be added in the website and say things like: What should be added next? blablabla faction stuff, blablabla drugs, blablabla new rank, blablabla point shop stuff.
Or simple things just to poll the community and see how the feel like, How good do you think MCP's (guards/mods) are? Great, good, eh, bad, terrible.


[Image: wGNJe78.png]
[Image: fde7785abc1392076c4a6dd643840c88.png]
A true dictatorship would delete this post :v)
In all seriousness though, just make more suggestions an comment on ideas you like. Perhaps a rating system on ideas would be cool though....
Really MCP is a project of mine and 90% of the stuff done is me randomly deciding to do stuff, but I  do listen to suggestions.



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