New event idea.
1. Is your idea logical? Yes
2. Could it be done easily? Yes
3. Has something like it been done before? No
4. Has this idea been suggested before? No

The game is actually called Block Party by most people and I have played it myself not saying where. Its basically a game where the floor is made of different patterns of colored wool when the round starts you receive a piece of wool in your hand and you have a time limit to go stand on a block of wool the same color before all other colors drop out. if you are not on the right color you fall to your death. it gets faster and faster every time

<iframe width="420"height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Me: So Link showed me an old forum post where you say you wouldn't mind selling the server and he want's to buy it from you XD

Silas: I would never sell the server to a little shit fuck like him

Don't worry, "bout a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright - Bob Marley
will look into



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