Suggestion to get players
Hey, I think you should seriously consider what I am suggesting.

Back when I joined the server in 2012, guess where I found out about this server? The minecraft forums. When I joined, this community had like 20-30 people regularly online mainly because of the minecraft forums. For those of you that are not familiar with the minecraft forums, it is an online public forums for minecraft (obviously). You create a thread and others can reply to that thread with anything that they would like. Silas put applications in the thread so players were constantly applying on the thread, and as they replied to the thread it would be bumped back to the top of the forums. While well known members were applying to staff, they were also bumping the thread so that new players could see the thread! I think we should bring back MCP to the forums, as of right now there is no other Non-OP prison server on the forums. We could boost the player base by a long shot if my idea is successful.

Please excuse me if I have a grammatically incorrect sentence, this was rushed.

One big thing why not, we are in control and can moderate our site. I get what you are saying but having our own site is a way better way of interacting and building the community.
Also I think you are over overestimating the minecraft forums, classic jails servers are dying all the old big servers are all closed or are on the way out. Kids are not too much into "role play" servers now; all they want to do is rank up 25 times and kill other kids with OP items.
Also shit happened with the admins of that site, and it left us with a bad taste with how that site is operated.


-James Cameron
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Born too late to explore the earth, born too soon to explore the galaxy. Born just in time to гคเรє ๓ץ ๔๏ภﻮєг ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

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