Chantallylace's Moderator Application! - Printable Version

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Chantallylace's Moderator Application! - Chantallylace - Dec 1st, 2017

IGN: Chantallylace
Age (as of now): Twenty-eight years old.
Timezone: EST
How Long Have You Played On MCP?: A couple of months now.
Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked?: No, and I don't plan to be.
If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long?: N/A
What is your current playtime on the server? (/playtime): Before the restart, I was at around 73 hours if I remember correctly. Now I'm at 28 hrs, so 101 hours.
When can you play on MCP?: Right now I'm currently unemployed, but I do care for my mom who is still recovering from heart surgery, so I get on between 12pm-4:30 pm then from 7pm-10pm EST
What is your rank on the server?: Free/Donor
Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator?: I have extensive experience when it comes to being a mod. I've been a moderator on many different servers, some for years on end. Currently, I'm not mod on any server, but I hope to remedy that with this server. I've not only been a mod, but I've also been Head Mod on two occasions. I believe that as an older player I can set an excellent example for the younger players who tend to play Minecraft. I also know what to look for in hackers and can swiftly deal with them. When new players join the server, I try my best to help them by giving them food and tips as well. I have come to admire the server, and I want to make it an even better place if you give me a chance to prove myself as a capable, responsible and friendly moderator, I will not let you down.
Additional Information: I understand that at the moment the staff is not accepting moderator applications, but I thought that I'd put this out there in case a spot opens up. I thank whoever is reading this application for your time. I will not be triggered!

Re: Chantallylace's Moderator Application! - Cpt_PandaPantz - Dec 1st, 2017

I haven't played much with Chantallylace but from what little time we have played MCP together, she seems super nice and is always friendly, also keeps her head clean.


Re: Chantallylace's Moderator Application! - MaxofTheMiniGames - Dec 2nd, 2017

Don't need anymore mods is my opinion but +1 for when more are needed

Re: Chantallylace's Moderator Application! - LaughNgamez - Dec 2nd, 2017

Good app, we'll see how the need for staff is over the holidays. Don't get your hopes too high though as we're generally full on moderators.