Armored Crate - Printable Version

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Armored Crate - Coolskate2449 - Oct 21st, 2017

1. Is your idea logical? Yes
2. Could it be done easily? I am not certain, but I think so
3. Has something like it been done before? No
4. Has this idea been suggested before? Nope
A crate that costs 25 points and gives you only armor.
Items in this crate would be-
Gold crate- very high chance
Iron crate - very high chance
Diamond crate - high chance
Netherworld- high chance
Speed boots 1 and 2- medium chance
Pandas armor- medium chance
Miner armor - medium chance
Warden armor - medium chance
Owl helmet- medium chance
Bruni armor- medium low chance
Zeedin armor- low chance
Geonat armor- low chance
Hrim armor- Very low chance
If I missed any armor set tell me below and I’ll add it.

Re: Armored Crate - Squigga_ - Oct 21st, 2017

imo i dont think this would be very good considering the low drop chance and the high point cost. But i feel its still OP because armor only would make people only grind this case for stuff like silas

Re: Armored Crate - zs471 - Oct 21st, 2017

2OP plz nerf

Re: Armored Crate - Mattmab - Oct 21st, 2017

lets just add a weapons crate too
dia sword - Low chance
zs healing axe - 99.99999% drop rate

Re: Armored Crate - masterovieOG - Oct 21st, 2017

This will never happen

Re: Armored Crate - Coolskate2449 - Oct 21st, 2017

to make it balanced, thats why I said a VERY HIGH CHANCE for gold crate and iron crate, so its not going to be that op...

Re: Armored Crate - Squigga_ - Oct 22nd, 2017

still its op even considering the price
too op for mcp

Re: Armored Crate - Mr.Scare - Oct 22nd, 2017

Nah like squigga said it's to op. Medium chance for miner/ geonat.  Nope Nope. Players should earn amour not just vote and just get it. I imagen this would throw the economy into mess with to many op players.