pizzaman723 ban appeal - Printable Version

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pizzaman723 ban appeal - pizzaman723 - Sep 3rd, 2017

Who banned you?miner01
When were you banned? (Time/Date)September 1, 2017at 1:13 A.M.
Why were you banned? being an idiot
Are you at fault? yes
What was your rank on MCP? B
Why should we unban you? I love this server all the time I played I have come to love this server it would break my heart if I could not be unbanned and I will never do anything like this ever again it was dumb and I have facedĀ  a punishment and I hope you can unban me I will never act this way again
Additional info:


Re: pizzaman723 ban appeal - omega015 - Sep 9th, 2017

You have now been unbanned. Do not let anything like this happen again or use racial slurs etc... As for your friend who started this, get them to respond to their appeal with more info and it will be reviewed.