James_2k1's Guard Application - rewritten in another post - Printable Version

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James_2k1's Guard Application - rewritten in another post - James_2K1 - Dec 29th, 2015

What is your IGN? - James_2K1

How old are you as of now? - 14

When can you play on MCP? - All the time usually... But at least 8am - 9-10pm aprox.

What is your timezone? - GMT + 1

What is your rank on the server? - Citizen

Do you have any experience with other prison servers?  - Played convicted for about 2 years.

Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank (IP if possible). - I used to be a trainee-guard on convicted and enjoyed it I was a trainee at the time but was for quite a while but at the time it was super boring due to my timezone.

Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? - I have and I can say  "I have special eyes #Mybrand

Why should we pick you to be out next guard? - I have played on the server for quite a while now with 50+ hours and I'm really enjoying it I sometimes get a little frustrated but as I guard i will manage myself like a hawk and a chance to prove that would be the major test. I feel like I could do well as a guard with having good ping as well as being what I would call  "ok" at pvp not the best or the worst but just enough to actually fight back. I will also try my best to keep an eye out for contraband. I'm also not sure but as you may see on /votetop I'm pretty much in the top 3 and vote every day I possibly can. Although young I feel like I can be mature and keep calm and not just guard but help out those noobs that walk around like they are zombies. I love this server and a chance to be a guard would make it that 1% better.

Also you may ask... why do I feel I stand out? I believe that with my knowledge of the server I feel that I can help newbies stay long enough to decide rather than raging as much with pvp. I will try my best to explain this to them and what they should do. Its probably not my Job but helping people is my thing.

Thankyou for reading my app and thankyou for your time.

Re: James_2k1's Guard Application - James_2K1 - Dec 29th, 2015

Re read the rules - this isn't a bump but Just so you know I now re-read the rules ^_^

Ps - I never realised they changed.. My mistske tomorrow ill rewrite it if I get the chance.

Re: James_2k1's Guard Application - re edited - James_2K1 - Dec 29th, 2015
