KingBass99's Guard App - Printable Version

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KingBass99's Guard App - TheDemonsSpy - Jul 26th, 2014

What is your IGN? KingBass99
How old are you as of now? 14

When can you play on MCP? 12:00am - 10:00pm on weekdays, but if I have camp 3:00pm - 10:00pm week days, and 10:00am - 10:00pm on weekends.

What is your timezone? Eastern Standard Time

What is your rank on the server? Baron (Donuts Don't have Farms

Do you have any experience with other prison servers? Yes
Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank (IP if possible). Yes I was B-Guard on a server before, but it was shut down. (don't remember IP)

Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Yes I have. I check a couple times a month to see if they are any changes.

Why should we pick you to be out next guard? I have what it takes to be a guard. Guards should be mature, responsible, caring, patient and able to represent the server in a positive manner. A guard should be mature because, they are representing MCP and other players especially new players will look to the staff as role models. A guard also needs to be caring and patient with newer players who may not have read the rules yet, or even older players who may have forgotten some of the rules.  I think that the guards on this server are great but, I feel that they are not on as much as I would be on if I got this job. Most guards come on for a short period of time then get off, or they play more on their alt more then their guard account. If I got guard I would make sure not to play on my alt, and dedicate most of my time to guarding A guard needs to be responsible, loyal, and dedicated to their job. I can supply that and promise to make the server safe. When I was guard, it was the best experience anyone can have in a prison server, especially MCP.  Guarding is a full time job, not just something you can do when you feel like it. I believe I can do and be all of these things. I can also be on a lot longer and later than most if not all other guards. Most Guards in their apps say they will be active and play a lot, but in reality they play for a little bit at a time. I'm not one of those people. I will dedicate my time to being guard, and I will not abuse. If I find any glitches I will make sure to warn Silas, or any other Warden to make sure the glitch is not abused more.

Re: KingBass99's Guard App - NoahDaBOss51 - Jul 26th, 2014

Great attitude towards guards and loves the server! Good at pvp and deserves the spot Smile +1

Re: KingBass99's Guard App - TheDemonsSpy - Jul 28th, 2014

Thanks Noah!

Re: KingBass99's Guard App - BaileySD123 - Jul 28th, 2014

Very Skilled At PvP I Have Pvped With Him A Lot He Can Track One Person Through A Crowd Of Many And Would Be My First Choice For Guard +1