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Jail - ShadowHunterDaPro - Feb 20th, 2014

ok so i believe that there should be some changes with the jail:

1: bail should cost a little less? like 70k-80k? or maybe make it more to bail out depending on reason and jail time? like 100k for if you have more than 10 minutes, 60k for 5 minutes or less, and like 75k for anything in between 5 and 10 minutes?
2: i think we should be able to send msgs in jail, because a lot of times someone could have something important to discuss, and they msg me, and i can't msg them back so i have to say it in public chat, and it doesn't always get to them as well as msgs do? especially if there are a lot of players on at the time?
3: i believe we should be able to do at least some commands, like msg and balance? it would be great to be able to check our balance so that we know if we have enough money to bail out, and if we should spend the money to bail out?
4: i think that the escape parkour should actually be even slightly possible? cuz i mean like I've never even heard of anyone being able to get past the 1st jump? i know i haven't, and not even the best parkour-ers can do it? please make the parkour at least a little bit doable?
5: i think there should be a sign or command in the jail parkour room to get back to the top of the jail, in case you decide you want to bail out, or you want to have some space to run around in, or to have a view of the prison?

please consider these suggestions

      -er3853 & MrJockeyDaPro

Re: Jail - zs471 - Feb 20th, 2014

1. The bail was set higher for a reason, so jailing actually means something not just oh boy I'm out 50k. I think Making different prices for different offenses would mean making more than one jail which will probably not happen.
2. Maybe you shouldn't have gotten in jail in the first place, it is jail it is a punishment.
3. This one I would like to modify. We should still have no commands in jail but, there should be a sign in there to check your balance for the reasons you have stated.
4. I know a few people who have beaten the jail parkour and I myself usually get to around halfway and even fell on the last jump once. You should not be able to get out a jail easily at all it should be hard as can be.
5. You chose to take your chances at the parkour, you failed, your punishment is to be stuck in webs for the rest of the time. It is jail it is a punishment.

Side note: When you use the word I it refers to yourself and should be upper-case.

Re: Jail - LaughNgamez - Feb 20th, 2014

Bail is fine, it was never an option before.
I added the messages and balance to the list of things to do.
Parkour is fine, although someone should change it. ASTRAAAAAAAAAAAAL GEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOO

Re: Jail - ShadowHunterDaPro - Feb 20th, 2014

ok ty silas, and do you mean change the jail parkour? cuz that would be perfect...

Re: Jail - astralaether9 - Feb 20th, 2014

(Feb 20th, 2014, 04:48 PM)LaughNgamez link Wrote: Bail is fine, it was never an option before.
I added the messages and balance to the list of things to do.
Parkour is fine, although someone should change it. ASTRAAAAAAAAAAAAL GEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOO

I'll do it because if geo does it it'll be super easy

Re: Jail - ShadowHunterDaPro - Feb 20th, 2014

lol, geo would you please do it? Big Grin lol

Re: Jail - astralaether9 - Feb 20th, 2014

but that wouldn't be fun

Re: Jail - ShadowHunterDaPro - Feb 20th, 2014

it would be for me Big Grin I've never beaten parkour lol

Re: Jail - astralaether9 - Feb 20th, 2014

we at MCP feel as though it is our responsibility to breed better parkourers

Re: Jail - ShadowHunterDaPro - Feb 20th, 2014