xXLink2003Xx's Moderator Application. - Printable Version

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xXLink2003Xx's Moderator Application. - xxlink2003xx - Mar 19th, 2015

Age: I am twelve years old.

Timezone: I am in the Pacific Standard Time.

How Long Have You Played On MCP? I have played on MCP about a year.

Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked? Yes, I have been banned and muted.

If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long? Well, I have been muted for different reasons, such as chat offence, but my permanent ban for advertising was false.

Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator?
The reason I think I should be the next moderator is that I am respectful to all players, such as I welcome players back also I welcome and show new players around. I love CDGS and I like how Silas takes care of the server, he manages it well and that is why I want the staff position, also why I want moderator is I want to help MCP grow and be the best it can be. I will vote whenever I can and I will tell all of my friends about MCP. I will play MCP alot and be active, I will enforce the rules but I won't we extremely strict.
If I receive this position I will increase my playtime and I will moderate that chat in a non-abusive way. I have never been staff on MCP but I know exactly what to do I know all guard rules, mod rules, and all of the prisoner rules. I love MCP and all of its qualities, I want it to get more and more popular, with an owner like Silas, it is very doable. I enjoy it when there is a lot of people on MCP, also I like it when there is one person on MCP, I don't care I just want it to be a good server and have people donate as much as possible. MCP has such a great community I just want to become a part of the staff community.

Additional Information: Thanks for reading.

Re: xXLink2003Xx's Moderator Application. - DaNate - Mar 19th, 2015

Great app, Great player! +1

Re: xXLink2003Xx's Moderator Application. - xxlink2003xx - Mar 19th, 2015

Thanks nate!  illuminati

Re: xXLink2003Xx's Moderator Application. - SnipedYall - Mar 19th, 2015

Misuse of the  illuminati symbol  facepalming

Re: xXLink2003Xx's Moderator Application. - hallben19998 - Mar 19th, 2015

+1 good app  illuminati snoopdawg facepalming kappaswag

Re: xXLink2003Xx's Moderator Application. - xxlink2003xx - Mar 19th, 2015

Thanks guys $swwag

Re: xXLink2003Xx's Moderator Application. - Coolskate2449 - Mar 19th, 2015

Extremely rude to me 1- and also has rage periods aka he rages a lot -100000

Re: xXLink2003Xx's Moderator Application. - xxlink2003xx - Mar 19th, 2015

I do not rage a lot cool, the only time I get mad is if your bullying me. But I can handle it.  rekt

Re: xXLink2003Xx's Moderator Application. - SnipedYall - Mar 19th, 2015

+1 good in bed  pedobear

Re: xXLink2003Xx's Moderator Application. - xxlink2003xx - Mar 19th, 2015

Thanks SnipedYall Big Grin