SniperScout1999 Guard Application - Printable Version

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SniperScout1999 Guard Application - SniperScout1999 - Feb 1st, 2014

What is your IGN?SniperScout199

When can you play on MCP?All Day Weekend And Straight After School.

What is your timezone?Eastern Central Time [England]

What is your rank on the server?Citizen

Do you have any experience with other prison servers? Gizmo Server I Had Guard For 2 Months.And Still Am Guard But If I Get Guard On This I Will Screw That Server And Put All My Time In To Yours.

Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank.Well I Dont Have Experience With Guarding Yet... But I Have Applied For Guard On A Few Servers But They Never Like Accept Or Even Say Anything But I Think I Should Get One Shot Of Been Guard On The Best Server Ever! Aka Smile

Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room?Of Course I Have.(Many Times)      sedimentary torch

Why should we pick you to be out next guard? I Believe I Should Be The Next Guard On mcp Due To The Fact Im Very Active On The Server Pretty Good At Pvping Smile And Also I Have Had 1 Time Of Been Guard So I Do Know What Im Doing At The Job xD. So I Think I Should Get An Opportunity For Guard On The Best The Server On Minecraft Yours xD aka mcp,If I Do Get Accepted I Will Try My Best To Be The Best And The Server To Be A Even More Happier Place I PROMISE! That I Can Be The Best Guard All The Time I Get To Play On My Computer I Will Put All The Effort Into Guarding And Making It Happier. Im On My Computer Everyday. Im Been Very Serious For This App Thanks For Your Time.

?sedimentary torch?

Come On We Need More Active Guards On The Server *Cough Cough* Me

Re: SniperScout1999 Guard Application - Crayonz25 - Feb 1st, 2014

You didn't read the guard rules

Re: SniperScout1999 Guard Application - SniperScout1999 - Feb 1st, 2014

Em Yes I Did.

Re: SniperScout1999 Guard Application - SniperScout1999 - Feb 1st, 2014

?sedimentary torch?

Re: SniperScout1999 Guard Application - Sparty - Feb 1st, 2014

Lol, great application, +1

But you gave me an headache, with all those caps, at the begening of every single words.

Re: SniperScout1999 Guard Application - SniperScout1999 - Feb 1st, 2014

Lol Sorry Big Grin

Re: SniperScout1999 Guard Application - KevinMineDiamond - Feb 1st, 2014

Pretty nice app but you didn't need to caps the word promise.
Also can you explain this to me?

Re: SniperScout1999 Guard Application - BluudBath - Feb 1st, 2014

I would be pleased to see you become guard. +1

Re: SniperScout1999 Guard Application - SniperScout1999 - Feb 2nd, 2014


Re: SniperScout1999 Guard Application - SniperScout1999 - Feb 2nd, 2014

KevinMineDiamond That Was Adges Ago Right After The Server Got Restarted I Was A Little Mad I Lost Everything But Now Im Playing I Have Got Most Of It Back. ;D