MysticChromium's Moderator Application
IGN: MysticChromium
Age (as of now): 19
Timezone: EST (UTC-5)
How Long Have You Played On MCP? Since December 2016/v5
What is your current playtime on the server? (/playtime) 58.4 hours
Have You Ever Been Banned, Muted, Kicked? Yes
If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long? Historically, I've been muted many times for using an abundance of capital letters in chat, most of the time intentionally to meme with DogTag93, IcyCrevasse, and Little_Lea, who were all moderators at the time. I was likely becoming annoying, and I apologize. I once was banned from the Discord server for sending a meaningless message once in every channel I could, which was rightfully deemed spam. I promise I will not repeat any of these displays of weak conduct, for they are all most regrettable.
When can you play on MCP? Whenever I'm not doing college work. For now, I'm free most evenings and am sometimes on during mornings and afternoons.
What is your rank on the server? Baron

Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator?

The overarching reason I am applying for moderator is so I may help maintain law and order in our beloved mad world, MCP. I am confident in my ability to uphold the standards of the moderator position, and I will continue to assist new players with anything they need help doing and be direct and fair with my words. Should situations arise where toxicity and chaos run rampant, I shall administer warnings and punishments where appropriate. Such is how the law of the land would demand I respond, after all.

Behavior is a turbulent tide for some, and I shall keep a level head and an open mind when interacting with such ambivalent ones. Unless given explicit special-case permission by our overlords, the Wardens, I understand that I am not to use my newfound powers in an out-of-the-ordinary manner. To a similar effect, I also comprehend that I am not to give those in PvP zones "love taps" unless I myself am first on the receiving end of such "love taps."

As MCP has been and continues to be such a superb source of countless memories and thousands of hours of entertainment in my and many other's lives, it would be wonderful to join its staff team.

Some of my gloomy days turned bright through the magic of our fantastic community members and the soothing aroma of Whoog Brand Bread, and you all have my gratitude. Corny and cliche, these sentences may sound, but they express how I feel nonetheless. Remembering all my splendid moments on MCP brings a genuine smile to me, and I hope the good times continue for as long as they possibly can. An active player is what I will continue to be, as this server is eternally an optimal place to put one's free time. This timeless classic prison lives rent-free in my head, and I'm hopeful for its future and planned updates. Choose me as MCP's next moderator for the team, and I promise I will not disappoint. However, by this point in my little speech, you probably think I forgot something, thus falling to the most tragic of fates for an applicant; alas, I advise you to revisit the first letter of each sentence in these paragraphs for when each letter is united, it all just might spell out the phrase you seek.

Additional Information: Thank you for reading allat. [Also, for good measure, one more time, all in one piece: "Tiss but a scratch"]


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[Image: f74d94876104bcc11c624782f69af719.png]


Nice work on the app A+

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