ARL_Badger's Moderator Application
IGN: ARL_Badger
Age (as of now): 20 years old
Timezone: MST
How Long Have You Played On MCP? For 9 years now
What is your current playtime on the server? (/playtime) 14.3 hours
Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked? I have been banned and muted a long long time ago.
If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long? I’ve been banned once for three days and muted numerous times, first playing on this server back when I was a young and immature 11 year old and saying things no one should ever say.
When can you play on MCP? I can usually play on Mondays throughout the day, Tuesdays, Wednesdays in the morning and part of the afternoon, Thursdays during the day and at night, Fridays and Saturdays depending on if I have work, and anytime throughout the day on Sundays.
What is your rank on the server? Citizen
Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator? You should pick me to be your next moderator because I have always tried to be nice and respectful towards everyone on the server, especially new players that are looking for a fun and amazing community to be around with. This will be a fresh start for me as a moderator as I have never been a moderator before but from what I have witnessed from previous moderators on this server, I am willing to live up to the standard of what a good moderator should be.
Additional Information: I have been around this server for a long time and will stay dedicated to this server until the end of time. In general I love helping everyone as much as I can. With my knowledge of the rules on this server and my experience with how this server is run over the years, I am always there to help everyone out as much as I can and will continue to help those same people that make this community shine. I may not be well known as I have changed my gamertag numerous times so for those of you who would like to get to know more about me and who I am please feel free to ask me! I would be more than happy to answer. Lastly, I would like to say thank you and “Tiss but a scratch” to those that took time out of your day to read my moderator application.


"Those who live up to their names make one for themselves" -Dale Earnhardt Jr.
+1 Raise Hell Praise Dale


(Apr 5th, 2017, 02:56 PM)LaughNgamez link Wrote:No singing in Communist MCP Kappa


"I don't think it's Dragon, I think he is just being retarded as usual." - zs471 4/26/2017

You will be remembered zs471, F.

(Sep 24th, 2017, 09:25 AM)zs471 link Wrote:You know I was actually just thinking to myself, 'You know who would be a good guard?' Then it came to me. Obviously Dragon1240 would be a good guard. +1

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