ScorpiaEmber telling a player/staff member to kill themself
Your IGN: Nator27
Offender's? IGN: ScorpiaEmber
Offender's? rank: Baron
What the offender was doing: Telling a player/ staff member to kill themself.
What server this was on: MCP
When this happened: 8:15 Pm server time on August 31st
[Image: pXLMKED.png] [Image: fTTZLqY.png]


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it was meant in game, but ok buddy. maybe don’t mess with people knowing they won’t like it.
I would like to go into detail on what happened here.

Nator, Corey, and sting be in a call, and Quinn be afk cause she gettin food (I think?) so I put some cocaine in Quinns Inv to see if it would appear in her hands which it did. I told Corey that Quinn had drugs and she got jailed for 5min. A simple prank that would by most people be taken as a funny thing maybe be hurt for like a few min but then you're out and its fine. Quinn however didn't take it that way, and exploded about it. Maybe other life stuff had a factor to why she just got put over the edge or smith idk. I myself didn't care but since its mcp and 90% sarcasm I kinda fed the flame by being sarcastic and stuff. During all of this Corey doesn't care, Nator is PISSED, and I'm just laughing hysterically (mostly cause my plan actually worked). Quinn leave and while I have screenies of it, I chose not to report it cause its pretty petty to do and at best It would warrant like a finger wag and a "bad Quinn, no cursing" from Silas. Nator however decided to report it. From there its as you can see, Quinn holding a grudge about something small, and Nator taking it too far. Honestly I am super embarrassed that it even got this far, but ya know stupid pranks get stupid responses I guess. 

Overall I think mcp needs one big sitcom style talking it out, or to just grow up and stop being so immature and petty.

Jokes are great, but there's a line. And that line is 10 miles back

Quinn, if it was meant to be a game then why did you go off at something so little and tell people to kill themselves? That's fucked up.
Corey is really nice, how could you say that to him of all people Sad


//[Image: KSuhqwo.png]
Going from past experience and reports, 1. she shouldn't have gone AFK while still logged in 2. Flaming is just apart of everyday MCP 3. The way she said to go die was clearly not meant in game at all. If it was during events then maybe but both parties seem to have a bad past from what I understand and it seems that it isn't getting better


(Apr 5th, 2017, 02:56 PM)LaughNgamez link Wrote:No singing in Communist MCP Kappa


"I don't think it's Dragon, I think he is just being retarded as usual." - zs471 4/26/2017

You will be remembered zs471, F.

(Sep 24th, 2017, 09:25 AM)zs471 link Wrote:You know I was actually just thinking to myself, 'You know who would be a good guard?' Then it came to me. Obviously Dragon1240 would be a good guard. +1
(Sep 1st, 2019, 12:22 PM)Dragon1240 link Wrote: Going from past experience and reports, 1. she shouldn't have gone AFK while still logged in 2. Flaming is just apart of everyday MCP 3. The way she said to go die was clearly not meant in game at all. If it was during events then maybe but both parties seem to have a bad past from what I understand and it seems that it isn't getting better

To go from what dragon said, yes the go die was 100% not meant in game. And about the bad past, I legit have nothing against Quinn. She prolly does, but I really don't even if I have a reason to
No body should be telling other players to kill themselves for any reason. Quinn has been a player long enough and has read the rules many times to know this.

What happened sounds like the result of some prison antics but the lesson to learn here is not to afk.

The player has been dealt with.


[Image: Gm0PMGN.png]
10/10 on the drug plant rekt



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