Lord63 Report
Your IGN: AcidBlitz_
Offender's? IGN: Lord63
Offender's? rank: Free/Donator
What the offender was doing: Abusing pvp item in zs
What server this was on: MCP
When this happened: 12/26/2018 8:27am est
Proof: [youtube]https://www.youtube.come/watch?v=_f8nEKOOyrk[/youtube]
Additional info: he did this exact thing twice but I only got the second one on video. Again, sorry videos are laggy, bad laptop.
I used to exact link from my laptop but it still didn’t embed.. smh. https://youtu.be/_f8nEKOOyrk
Its pretty clear pvp abuse. (Then again it is only like a few ticks of wither) Its not like he killed you or anything, but he did knowingly give you wither so. .....


//[Image: KSuhqwo.png]
The situation has been dealt with.


[Image: Gm0PMGN.png]
May i note this isn't no where near the 1st or 2nd time he's done this?


1v1 me in Rocket League
since dogtag dealt with the issue, this post will be locked. thanks.

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