_xSpace's Toxic ban appeal
IGN: _xSpace
Who banned you? Cpt_PandaPantz
When were you banned? (Time/Date) January 24, 2018, 11:37 pm
Why were you banned? For being Toxic then bypassing
Are you at fault? Yes
What was your rank on MCP? Citizen/Donator
Why should we unban you? Because if I get unbanned I will never be toxic again and I will try to control myself, I was salty at the time and I realize my actions have caused some people to feel bad about their job and the rules and this is my favorite Minecraft server to play.
Where you fined and do you think you deserve reimbursement? I sure hope I wasn't fined and I 100% deserved this ban, I will be better next time.
Additional info: I will be sure to read the rules and not be a pain next time I get on.

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also if I do get unbanned please make it less than 10 days because I bought alot of crates for 100$ usd and I dont want to lose the items...
I never really seen you be ¨Toxic¨ Persay  All I remember was you being incredibly nice to be when we were doing pvp with the guards. He deserves another chance. Also, keep in mind that if this happens again Which Silas would say the outcome would really not be good


If you had only waited 24 hours before you tried to sign back on, even with an alt you wouldn't be banned right now.
As I see it, you have no respect for other players or the server it's self. We don't need your negativity in the server.

[Image: 9af1e7dcecf9253924857451c7201746.png]

You clearly aren't changing your ways, you were previously banned for toxicity long before I came along as a Mod and banned you. You can check your previous bans on the Prism. http://cdgs.net/Prism/index.php?player=_xSpace

So I formally apologize but I will not be granting you access back into the server. Your only other chance would be to persuade Silas to unban you.

I wish you luck on your future endeavours!

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